Active works in progress

Geography and Economic Development: Subnational Evidence from Türkiye (with Seda Başıhoş)

Intergenerational Fertility Transmission in the United States: New Evidence from the General Social Survey
Presented at the 5th conference of Hacettepe University's Institute of Population Studies in November 2022

Three Experiments in British Economic History: Evidence from a Unified Growth Model
previously presented at various conferences and seminars

Completed papers

Epidemiological Underestimation: A Simple Algorithm for COVID-19 (with Ayça Tekin-Koru)

Published papers

Technology Adoption, Innovation, and the South Korean Miracle
Journal of Productivity [Verimlilik Dergisi], 58(1), 103-118, 2024 TrDizin

Technology and Survival in Preindustrial England: A Malthusian View
Journal of Population Economics, 36(4), 2071-2110, 2023 SSCI

Latent Social Distancing: Identification, Causes and Consequences (with Ayça Tekin-Koru)
Economic Systems, 46(1), 100944, 2022 SSCI

Growth, Distribution and Dynamic Inefficiency in Turkey: An Analysis of the Naïve Neoclassical Theory of Capital
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59, 20-30, 2021 SSCI 

Technology, Growth Theory, and the First Industrial Revolution
Ekonomi-tek, 10(1), 1-21, 2021 Asos İndeks

Productivity Growth, Malthus Delusion, and Unified Growth Theory
Economics Bulletin, 40(2), 1112-1121, 2020 Scopus ESCI

Uneven Centuries: Economic Development of Turkey since 1820 by Şevket Pamuk, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2018, xvi + 352 pp. BOOK REVIEW
The Developing Economies, 58(1), 77-79, 2020 SSCI

Age and Wealth: An Analysis of Global Top Wealth Distribution
Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 42, 25-44, 2020

Introduction: An Overview of Economic Growth Dynamics in Turkey (with Arzu Akkoyunlu-Wigley & Selim Çağatay) BOOK CHAPTER
In: A. Akkoyunlu-Wigley, & S. Çağatay (Eds.) The Dynamics of Growth in Emerging Economies: The Case of Turkey (pp. 1-14). Routledge. 2019

Long-Run Economic Growth in Turkey: Sources, Pitfalls, and Prospects BOOK CHAPTER
In: A. Akkoyunlu-Wigley, & S. Çağatay (Eds.) The Dynamics of Growth in Emerging Economies: The Case of Turkey (pp. 15-47). Routledge. 2019

Innovation, Imitation, and the Nature of Economic Growth
Journal of Research in Economics, 2(2), 137-161, 2018 AEA EconLit

Economic Development in Turkey and South Korea: A Comparative Analysis
Boğaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, 32(1), 1-28, 2018 Scopus TrDizin

Economic Growth and Technological Progress in Turkey: An Analysis of Schumpeterian Mechanisms
METU Studies in Development, 44(2), 129-154, 2017 TrDizin

Entrepreneurship, Knowledge, and the Industrial Revolution
Economics, 9(1), 20150003, 2015 SSCI

Other publications

MIDIS: A measure for latent social distancing (with Ayça Tekin-Koru)
VoxEU (Centre for Economic Policy Research), 2020

Good Governance for Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition in the OIC Member Countries (with Serdar Sayan, Lerzan Özkale, Tuğrul Temel & Pınar Kaynak)
Ankara: COMCEC 2020
Final Report of a Commissioned International Research Project

Reviewing Agricultural Trade Policies to Promote Intra-OIC Agricultural Trade (with Serdar Sayan, Lerzan Özkale, Sedef Akgüngör & Ayşegül Taşöz Düşündere)
Ankara: COMCEC 2019
Final Report of a Commissioned International Research Project

Growth and Demography in Turkey: Economic History vs. Pro-Natalist Rhetoric
Ankara: TEPAV 2013

Tackling Youth Unemployment: The Turkish Experience
In: The Future of Iran: Economic Reform - Conference Papers, London: The Legatum Institute 2013
Conference Proceeding